Business Health Assessment | Money Metrics

Assessing the health of your business: a comprehensive checklist

Evaluating the health of your business is essential for sustainable growth. You can use this checklist as a guide to refine your strategies and make informed decisions moving forward for your business.

✔️ Financial Health

  • Review your financial reporting framework and consider if periodic reporting or cash flow forecasts are required
  • Analyse your financial ratios to evaluate liquidity, profitability, and efficiency.
  • Assess your budgeting and forecasting processes to ensure they align with your business goals.

✔️ Sales and Marketing

  • Evaluate your sales performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Review your marketing strategies and campaigns to determine their effectiveness.
  • Assess customer acquisition and retention strategies to ensure steady growth.

✔️ Operations and Processes

  • Review your operational workflows and identify any bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
  • Assess your inventory management and supply chain processes.
  • Evaluate your customer service procedures and feedback mechanisms.

✔️ Human Resources

  • Assess your team’s performance and identify any skills gaps or training needs.
  • Review your employee satisfaction and engagement levels.
  • Evaluate your recruitment and on-boarding processes.

✔️ Technology and Systems

  • Evaluate your current technology infrastructure and software applications.
  • Assess the effectiveness of your IT security measures and data protection protocols.
  • Identify opportunities for automation and streamlining processes through technology.

✔️ Risk Management

  • Review your insurance coverage and ensure it aligns with your business risks.
  • Assess your business continuity and disaster recovery plans.
  • Identify potential legal or regulatory compliance issues and take necessary steps to address them.

✔️ Strategic Planning

  • Review your long-term business goals and assess progress towards achieving them.
  • Evaluate your competitive landscape and market trends.
  • Assess your strategic planning processes and make adjustments as needed.

This checklist is designed to give you comprehensive food-for-thought of your business’s health. Take the time to evaluate each area thoroughly, and identify specific actions you can take to improve your business’s performance.

Remember, the Money Metrics team is here to support you and provide guidance throughout this process. Alternatively, have a look at our Business Accelerator package as an ideal business service to consider to streamline and accelerate growth.